Here are 10 reasons why these 5 crystals together - amethyst, citrine, rainbow moonstone, carnelian and green calcite - can help you better manage your emotions on a daily basis:
Amethyst : Calms the mind and promotes inner peace, ideal for soothing emotional stress and promoting mental clarity.
Citrine : Brings joy and positive energy, promoting an optimistic state of mind and helping to overcome depression or sadness.
Rainbow Moonstone : Stimulates intuition and promotes emotional balance, ideal for times of emotional or hormonal changes.
Carnelian : Increases motivation and creativity, helps overcome shyness and blocking emotions.
Green calcite : Brings harmony and emotional balance, helps manage stress and dissipate negative emotions.
Emotional Stabilization : Together, these crystals help stabilize emotional fluctuations and promote a more balanced state of mind.
Strengthening self-confidence : They encourage self-confidence by dispelling doubts and reinforcing positive self-perception.
Stress and Anxiety Reduction : Their calming and comforting energy helps reduce daily stress and calm anxieties.
Emotional support during transitions : They provide emotional support during periods of change or adaptation, facilitating acceptance and adaptation.
Harmonization of emotions : By working with these crystals, you can harmonize your emotions and develop a better understanding of yourself, thus promoting more effective management of daily emotional challenges.
In summary, these combined crystals offer a range of benefits to better manage your emotions on a daily basis, from emotional stability and stress management to boosting self-confidence and emotional support during life transitions .
You can buy them individually or in a set of five crystals.
Medium sized tumble stones.
Some stones are polished, while others are in their raw state.
I invite you to watch the video for more details
Managing your emotions on a daily basis
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