Here are 10 reasons why these 5 crystals together - labradorite, brown jasper, pietersite, chalcopyrite and aragonite - can help maintain optimal health:
Labradorite : Promotes energetic healing and strengthens the immune system, helping to maintain overall health.
Brown Jasper : Stimulates vitality and physical endurance, thereby strengthening the body and improving general health.
Pietersite : Promotes purification of the circulatory system and stimulates metabolism, thereby supporting good circulation and healthy digestion.
Chalcopyrite : Promotes cellular health and aids in nutrient absorption, supporting optimal organ function.
Aragonite : Strengthens bones and teeth, promoting bone health and helping prevent mineral deficiencies.
Energy Balance : Together, these crystals help maintain energy balance in the body, essential for optimal health.
Strengthening the immune system : Their properties strengthen the immune system, helping to fight infections and prevent disease.
Healing Support : They accelerate the healing process by bringing energy and balance to weakened areas of the body.
Stress and Anxiety Reduction : Their calming energy helps reduce stress, promoting better mental and physical health.
Promoting general well-being : By working with these crystals, you encourage a state of general well-being, thereby strengthening your resistance to disease and improving your quality of life.
In summary, these combined crystals provide holistic support for maintaining optimal health by strengthening the immune system, boosting physical vitality, promoting energy balance, and supporting essential bodily functions.
You can buy them individually or in a set of five crystals.
Medium sized tumble stones.
Some stones are polished, while others are in their raw state.
I invite you to watch the video for more details
Maintain perfect health
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